Create a random parametric bootstrap sample or a permutation of the input response vector or matrix (for survival outcomes).

  event_vec = NULL,
  respType = c("survival", "regression", "categorical"),
  parametric = TRUE

SampleSurv(response_vec, event_vec, parametric = TRUE)

SampleReg(response_vec, parametric = TRUE)

SampleCateg(response_vec, parametric = TRUE)



The dependent vector to sample from. For survival response, this is the vector of event times. For regression or n-ary classification, this is the vector of responses.


The death / event observation indicator vector for survival response. This is coded as 0 for a right-censoring occurence and 1 for a recorded event.


What type of response has been supplied. Options are "none", "survival", "regression", and "categorical". Defaults to "none" to match the default response = NULL value.


Should the random sample be taken using a parametric bootstrap sample? Defaults to TRUE.


If parametric = FALSE, a permutation of the supplied response is returned (for AES-PCA). If parametric = TRUE, we return a parametric bootstrap sample of the response.


The distributions (for parametric = TRUE) are Weibull for survival times, Normal for regression response, and n-ary Multinomial for categorical response. Distributional parameters are estimated with their maximum likelihood estimates. When parametric = FALSE, the response vector or survival matrix is randomly ordered by row. This option should only be used when called from the AES-PCA method.


# DO NOT CALL THESE FUNCTIONS DIRECTLY. # Use AESPCA_pVals() or SuperPCA_pVals() instead if (FALSE) { data("colon_pathwayCollection") data("colonSurv_df") SampleResponses( response_vec = colonSurv_df$OS_time, event_vec = colonSurv_df$OS_event, respType = "survival" ) }